photo of woman with a subtle smile
photo of woman with a subtle smile
photo of woman with a subtle smile

Your journey matters. Share your myositis story with us.

You are more than your myositis diagnosis. You are a dynamic person who wants the most out of life, but myositis challenges—like muscle weakness and fatigue—may be a struggle. Spread awareness and understanding of myositis by sharing your story with us.

Each story counts. Help us amplify your voice.

This storytelling project aims to raise awareness of myositis, through engaging and connecting with those living with this condition and with those who care for them. Now you can build upon the community’s collective voice as you share your myositis story. Please use one of the prompts below to help you get started or choose a topic that speaks to you.

Don’t want to share your story but interested in future communications about myositis?

photo of man with beard, looking somber
photo of man with beard, looking somber
photo of man with beard, looking somber

Have you experienced muscle weakness because of your myositis diagnosis?

Tell us about the effects that myositis symptoms like muscle weakness has on your physical and emotional health.

photo of a woman with a subtle smile
photo of a woman with a subtle smile
photo of a woman with a subtle smile

What matters for you since your myositis diagnosis?

Tell us what is truly important to you now.

photo of a man and woman in an embrace
photo of a man and woman in an embrace
photo of a man and woman in an embrace

What are your experiences supporting someone with myositis?

Tell us how you support your friend, family member, or loved one who has myositis.

Share your myositis story with us

Whether you live with myositis, care for a loved one, or know someone who has myositis, sharing your story may help raise awareness and help others facing similar challenges.

photo of younger woman, smiling photo of younger woman, smiling photo of younger woman, smiling

Would you be willing to be featured in an argenx story that is shared with the myositis community?

Share story radio

Don’t want to share your story but interested in future communications about myositis?

Sign up here

Share your myositis story with us

Thank you! Please provide your information below.

*indicates required field

photo of younger woman, smiling photo of younger woman, smiling photo of younger woman, smiling

Which of these best describes you?*

Share story radio

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